Saturday, November 28, 2009

Jane in the NICU - Still Smiling!

Here's a quick video of Jane doing what she does... listen to the nurses in the background... we love it!


  1. What a sweet heart she is!!!! Such a cutie!! I have been where you are. When my little man was born it was SCARY.... we were told he wouldn't make it to one. After ten long surgeries and one HUGE fighting spirit he has made it to nine years!!!! He has an life threatining illness called Trichothiodystrophy. Your sweet little girl is in my heart and in my prayers!!!
    BIG HUGS!!
    Julie (Toye) Presley

  2. OHHHHHHHHH that melts my heart! Jane's just so happy to see Mommy and Daddy... that's what it is.
