Where to begin?
So first off, I would like to extend a huge amount of thanks to the 135,412 of you that provided gifts to us so that Jane has a good beginning to her life by having EVERYTHING that they make for a baby.
In all seriousness we appreciate the gifts a ton, and are so happy to have such great supportive friends and family and we are looking forward to the challenge of helping Jane not be too spoiled. ;) ***
So on to some updates...we had baby shower #2 this past Saturday and it was quite an interesting group of girls! I’m pretty sure everyone had a good time - and I judged this not on the amount of laughter or chatter when I walked in the door but the 337 bottles of champagne that adorned the trash cans... All the ladies made onesies for Jane and there were some really good ones, I’m sure we will get use out of each one! A quick shout out to Jill and the ladies of the Mango Mansion (Lindsay and Karisa) for putting it all together, you guys did a great job so thank you!
Saturday night we had some dinner with the family in Little Italy, and Jen had her gelato. Then Sunday we had our hospital tour, which was informative and entertaining, especially to see Jen sweat a little bit when the lady put the foot holders (stirrups?) up on the bed; Jen went pale and she won’t even be using them. I also found out they have an entire store at the hospital devoted to breast feeding... I never saw that one coming... I guess if you're into breast pumps and feeding bras then it’s probably heaven to some... I wonder if they work on commission???
Well as we wrap up week 34 Jen is still doing great although she has recently been handicapped by "Jane's" Wii, which we recently acquired with the HDTV (for Jane of course) . The game is called World of Goo and in the credits it should say that the game was specifically designed for Jen - I think she played for about 4 hours straight yesterday, and who knows for how long today. It’s a logic based puzzle game as well which to me just doesn’t make sense but she loves it, and we know Jane loves it...
Tomorrow is the official “your baby should live without complications if it were to be born from this point forward”
So we got that going for us ;)
*** - All bold statements in this post are for the grandparents.